Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tu me manques.

It's been been a month and three days since I returned to the states and somehow I'm only just starting to get what that means.  It means that a language that I fought through is non-existent in my every day life.  It means that the amazing baguettes that I ate every day now taste like cardboard (NY has everything, but I haven't found REAL french bread yet).  And it means that the friends with whom I shared so much are now really far away. 

In French, you don't say "I miss you."  The verb "to miss" is reflexive, so you say, "tu me manques" or rather, you are missed by me. 

But as sentimental as this is making me feel, I think this is the most important lesson I've learned from studying abroad.  Everything ends.  And it's more important to enjoy this moment than to weep over the past ones because someday you'll probably miss this moment too. 

À bien tôt, Montpellier!

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