So first, yesterday and my host mom made a DELICIOUS chocolate cake! So good! (Check out recipes!)
And today there was a "Food Products of France" Tour: Olive farm, Goat farm, and Vineyard. But, this is my life, so nothing is ever straight forward. So I woke up this morning to a spam text message from my phone company (saying congrats! you ordered more minutes!... yeah, big woop). But I didn't know who it could be, so I got out of bed to check it. Then I realized... it's 8:45. I have to be there at 9:15. Even though I knew it was going to rain a lot (and it did) and even though I had a sore throat in the morning (it's mostly better now), I took this as a literal wake up call from god that I was supposed to be on this field trip. So I hussled myself down there and just made it.
On the bus ride to the second location I was thinking to myself: I should have stayed in bed today.
So glad I didn't! They say that scent is the strongest tie to memory and I believe it. As soon as we arrived at the goat farm, the smell of goat and straw sent me back to my first grade trip to the petting zoo (where it also rained buckets). The goat-hand was super friendly (albeit very pierced with hair that, with some gel, was probably a mohawk) and let us pet the goats and even hold the babies (who were born yesterday).
And then I did something I never thought I'd get to do: I milked a goat. It was on my bucket list: check! Not as hard as I thought it would be, but it did take a couple tries to get the technique.
Then we went to the vineyard. Since the grapes weren't growing (and it was really too cold to show us anyway), they showed us the fermenting tanks (yawn). Then we did a taste test and honestly, the flavor wasn't my favorite. It wasn't that it was too dry, it just had a slightly strange taste. People were having a lot of fun at this even.
To top off the day, I was one of two winners (there was a trivia from the tour quiz)!! I won a bottle of wine and some goat cheese. Totally delicious!
So not only did I win a prize, I also crossed something off my bucket list. And I came home to mail from Mom and Josh.
Overall. Fantastic day!
Stay tuned for: MORE SPAIN :)
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